The referendum to constitutionally enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament is critically important for health and wellbeing.
This page compiles links to articles and resources that we hope will be useful for readers.
Support services
Statements by organisations
Recommended reading
Louis Peachey was one of Australia’s first Indigenous doctors. He doesn’t know how he survived the horror of racism at school
Editorial in The Lancet Global Health: Voting for a Voice
A Lowitja Institute report: Better Outcomes and Value for Money with a Seat at the Table: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice
Article in The Lancet: Racism and the 2023 Australian constitutional referendum. By Professor Ian Anderson, Professor Yin Paradies, Professor Marcia Langton, Professor Ray Lovett, Professor Tom Calma
A voice for Indigenous people: A clear and welcome path to self-determination and reconciliation. Article in Emergency Medicine Australasia by Dr Glenn Harrison
Contemporary Nurse journal: From vox nullius to the vote for a voice By Dr Tamara Power, Professor Lynore Geia, Professor Odette Best, Professor Juanita Sherwood, Louise Sheehy
Article in the BMJ: A constitutional Voice in parliament would improve the health of Aboriginal Australians By Pat Anderson, Professor Megan Davis, Dr Toby Freeman, Professor Fran Baum
NACCHO Board supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart. July 2023.
Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association supports Voice to Parliament. Statement at Croakey Health Media, June 2023.
Supporting the Uluru Statement From the Heart. Statement by the Board of the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT (AMSANT), May 2023.
The Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association statement on the Voice to Parliament, 2023.
Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences statement supporting the Voice to Parliament. May 2023. Developed and approved by the Academy Council in consultation with the Academy’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellows.
The Voice to Parliament is a beginning, not an end. By Dr Summer May Finlay, Croakey Health Media, March 2023.
Enshrining a Voice to Parliament: towards improving health and wellbeing outcomes for our peoples. Statement by Lowitja Institute, February 2023.
The editorial team of First Nations Health and Wellbeing: The Lowitja Journal strongly support a Yes position in the upcoming Australian referendum
“History is calling”: Uluru youth leader makes the case for a strong Voice. By Bridget Cama, Croakey Health Media, March 2023.
On the need to hear and be heard: a call for leadership from NAIDOC 2023 award winner Kelvin Kong. By Marie McInerney, Croakey Health Media, July 2023.
The Voice to Parliament and echoes of Mabo. By Professor Sandra Eades, Croakey Health Media, July 2023.
When it comes to the voice, Indigenous politics cannot be reduced to ‘left’ and ‘right’. By Luke Pearson, The Guardian, March 2023.
How we can avoid political misinformation in the lead-up to the Voice referendum. By Christopher Arnott, The Conversation, June 2023.
Ten questions about the Voice to Parliament – answered by the experts. By Professor Gabrielle Appleby, Adjunct Professor Geoffrey Lindell, Associate Professor Hannah McGlade, The Conversation and UNSW, Sydney, June 2023.
Public health perspectives on the Voice to Parliament and Uluru Statement
Book: Everything You Need to Know about The Voice. By Professor Megan Davis and Professor George Williams.
A new book: Our Voices From The Heart: The authorised story of the community campaign that changed Australia By Patricia Anderson AO and Professor Megan Davis
Book: The Voice to Parliament Handbook: All the Detail You Need. By Thomas Mayo and Kerry O’Brien.
Book: On the Voice to Parliament. By Charles Prouse
Book: Everything You Need to Know About the Uluru Statement from the Heart. By Professor Megan Davis and Professor George Williams
First Nations healthcare is crying out for an Indigenous voice By Georgia Corrie, a proud Nyamal woman and nurse with deep experience in the Aboriginal community-controlled health sector, in clinical and leadership roles. She is the NT coordinator for Yes 23.
Indigenous children would be among the greatest beneficiaries of the voice By Catherine Liddle, CEO of SNAICC, National Voice for Our Children
The Voice is necessary if we want to close the gap By Karl Briscoe and June Oscar AO – The Law Society Journal
The MJA supports an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament By Professor Virginia Barbour, Editor-in-Chief, The Medical Journal of Australia
Free e-book. The Voice, a question to the people: Questions and answers about the proposed First Nations Voice to Parliament Editors: Professor Paul Komesaroff, Maeve Ryan, Professor Paul James, Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver, Dr Sally Gardner
The Voice to Parliament “creates an opportunity to codesign a healthy future” MJAInSight By a group of First Nations and white health researchers working in the Northern Territory.
Article in The Lancet: The Voice key for Indigenous Australian’s health
Indigenous Mental Health Groups Call on Politicians to Champion Respectful Referendum
Voice referendum: Lies fuel racism ahead of Australia’s Indigenous vote – BBC
Antoinette Braybrook in The Quarterly Essay
Watch Professor Marcia Langton’s address to the National Press Club
Statement by First Nations Media Australia
Medical community has role to play in achieving a Yes vote: Professor Kelvin Kong in MJA Insight
Watch Noel Pearson at the National Press Club
Meanjin: Vote Yes Because No Means No. By Claire G. Coleman
Quarterly Essay. Sana Nakata & Daniel Bray
QCOSS webinar: Ask us anything: Voice to Parliament
Environment Victoria webinar: The environment movement and the Voice
Birthing on country success stories prove how important it is for Aboriginal mothers to have a voice By Janine Mohamed
Sponsored content
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health leaders highlight many benefits from a Voice to Parliament
Sunday, October 1, 2023Author: Croakey Professional Services
Many direct health benefits could be expected to flow from the establishment of a constitutionally enshrined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament, according to members of the National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF). The NHLF, a peak body representing the views of 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations working in health and wellbeing, released a statement on 29...